• End of A Rainbow

    What is at the end of a rainbow?


    The letter \’W\’. 🙂 Easy one.

  • 27 Coins Weight 10 Grams Except 1

    You have 27 coins, each of them is 10 grams, except for 1.

    The coin which is different is 9 grams or 11 grams (the coin is heavier or lighter by 1 gram).

    You can use balance scales that compares what is in the two pans and compare two groups of coins to find the lighter coin.

    What is the minimum number of weightings that can guarantee to find the different coin?


    Separate the coins into 3 stacks of 9 (A, B, C).

    Weigh stack A against B and then A against C.

    Take the stack with the different weight (note lighter or heavier) and break it into 3 stacks of 3 (D, E, F).

    Weigh stack D against E. If D and E are equal, then F is the odd stack. If D and E are not equal, the lighter or heavier (based on the A, B, C comparison) is the odd stack.

    You now have three coins (G, H, I).

    Weigh G and H. If G equals H, then I is the odd and is lighter or heavier (based on the A, B, C comparison).

    If G and H are not equal, then the lighter or heavier (based on the A, B, C comparison) is the odd coin.

  • Ten Apples For Ten Friends

    You have a basket containing ten apples. You have ten friends, who each desire an apple.

    You give each of your friends one apple.

    Now all your friends have one apple each, yet there is an apple remaining in the basket.

    How is that possible?


    You give an apple each to your first nine friends, and the basket together with the last apple to your tenth friend.

    Each friend has an apple, and one of them has it in a basket. 🙂

  • Mark And His Dog

    Mr. Mark went to market with his dog.

    He rode on a horse to the market,Yet walked, the horse\’s name was Victor.

    What is the name of dog?


    This one is a classic brain teaser.

    The dog name is \’Yet\’ (Yet walked). 🙂 Easy one.

  • A A D F J J J M M N ?

    What comes next in the following series of letters?

    A A D F J J J M M N ?


    O (October) and S (September)! These letters represent the first letter of each month in alphabetical order (April, August, December, February, January, July, June, March, May, November) and the two remaining months is October and September. 🙂